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Admissions Readiness Report 2022

Highlights & Insights

Admissions readiness report

Here are just a few highlights from the
2022 Admissions Readiness Survey:

The full report is available after completing the 20-question survey (approximately 10 minutes).

Click here to participate in the survey >>

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Survey Highlight #1: PRESSURE

Statement: There’s pressure from the institution's leadership to do something different to enroll more students.

Key Thoughts & Takeaways:

  • We're all in the same boat
  • New initiatives? Modify or undo old ones?
  • Consider doing something old, but do it better and less expensive?
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Survey Highlight #2: FUNNEL LOSS

Statement: We’re losing more prospective students than we should, most often at the following stage(s): Applicant, Accepted, Enrolled, Confirmed, Attending. (Respondents could select all stages that applied.)

Key Thoughts & Takeaways:

  • Lower-stage or latter-stage losses are rarely good
  • Improve counselor best practices that advance students to the next stage of the Enrollment Funnel.
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Survey Highlight #3: GUT CHECK

Respondents were asked to rate their current campus Admissions-Readiness levels from their perspective.

Key Thoughts & Takeaways:

  • Compared to the data, the gut check stat shows Enrollment leaders felt more optimistic their campuses were more Admissions-Ready than their answers to survey questions indicated.
  • See comparison survey below.
Self Rating vs. Survey Results VBI Stat

The majority of respondents felt their campuses were moving in a positive direction: 41% felt they were Progressing and 24% felt they were Somewhat Ready. This positive perspective is encouraging, however, when totaling the actual responses to all of the survey questions, 83% of the Respondents ended up in the Low or Somewhat Low in Readiness.

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If you missed the webinar, our panel of experts broke down the rest of the key highlights and insights from our 20-question 2022 Admissions Readiness report and what they mean to Enrollment leaders.



We asked enrollment leaders: Is your campus Admissions-Ready?

If you're unfamiliar with Admissions-Readiness, we define it as the "all-in" culture that takes owners of admissions. This includes all departments—from the President's office to the faculty to the personnel maintaining your beautiful grounds.

Our 20-question survey asks respondents about everything from budget to team development to support from campus leadership.

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Interview with Dr. Alan Cureton:

Whether you're new or well-versed on the concept of everyone owning Admissions across campus, we think you'll enjoy our interview of Dr. Alan Cureton (former president of University of Northwestern - St. Paul). He shares how he and his team built an "all-in" culture campus-wide.

Watch interview >>

Interview with Erick Klein:

Eric Klein, VP of Enrollment at University of Northwestern - St. Paul, shares how he and his team worked with Dr. Cureton to build an Admissions-Ready Campus. David Lofthouse interviews Eric as he shares his advice on everything from getting faculty buy-in, ethos alignment, investing in teams other than Admissions and more.

Watch interview >>