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Rethinking Admissions To Increase Enrollment

Posted by The Team At Value Based Inc. on Jul 27, 2021 8:15:00 AM

Rethinking Admissions To Increase Enrollment

In a high-level presentation to VPs of Marketing & Admissions, Rob Westervelt, formerly of George Fox University, presented the challenges GFU faced and the 7 Success Principles they applied to successfully grow admissions by 37% in a single year and enroll three consecutive record Freshman classes despite lower inquiry and application rates.


Topics: innovate higher ed, admissions, enrollment, marketing strategies, innovation

Promotions: Creating And Aligning Sales & Marketing Strategies

Posted by valuebased on Nov 3, 2020 2:15:00 AM

The​ surest way for you to increase and sustain revenues for your organization is to attract, recruit, and retain the best talent (People) that can conceive and create the right sales and marketing strategies (Promotion).


Topics: 4P's, Marketing, marketing strategies, promotions