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7 Secrets to Hiring Right-Fit Counselors

Posted by The Team At Value Based Inc. on May 22, 2020 12:15:00 PM

Hiring the right admissions counselor can be daunting, particularly because of the turnover most enrollment team leaders have experienced. It’s a complex puzzle with a multitude of factors that need to be considered. Do they meet all your criteria? Will they fit in with the current team?


Topics: Healthcare, Software/Services and Information Technology, Higher Education, Sales, Marketing, Social Media

Value Proposition = More Applications

Posted by The Team At Value Based Inc. on Feb 2, 2020 4:30:00 PM

In a recent blog post, we shared how colleges and universities can stand out from the noise by saying less but meaning more by articulating their differentiators. In this blog, we build on that by looking at the differences between value propositions, messaging, and positioning—and how they translate into results.


Topics: Higher Education, Sales, Marketing

Struggling to Stand Out?

Posted by The Team At Value Based Inc. on Jan 21, 2020 4:30:00 PM

Higher education is a sector where differentiation is paramount because the result for students is typically the same: to receive accredited recognition for their academic fulfillment. So, how does a university demonstrate to prospective students that their institution is unique from the rest and ensure the university brand isn’t lost in the sea of options?


Topics: Higher Education, Sales, Marketing

Listening: The Vital Skill to Consultive Selling

Posted by The Team At Value Based Inc. on Aug 22, 2019 2:15:37 PM

Consultative selling matches a buyer's need with the service or product. To accomplish this, a good salesperson understands the spoken needs, anticipates the unspoken needs, and delivers the service or product to meet those needs. Listening is the skill that brings about the connection. 


Topics: Sales, consultive selling, value based selling, listening, listeningskills, consultative selling, listening skills

Is Your School Sales-Ready?

Posted by Jim Allen on Feb 20, 2017 9:15:00 AM

Consultive sales...is it right for your school and is your team ready for it? Higher education is more competitive than ever. Colleges and universities are looking for ways to equip their Admissions teams with training to help them connect prospective students with the value your school provides (aka Consultive Selling). Is your team sales-ready? Read on to find out.


Topics: Higher Education, Sales