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Is Your School Sales-Ready?

Jim Allen
Posted by  Jim Allen  on Feb 20, 2017 9:15:00 AM
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Consultive sales...is it right for your school and is your team ready for it? Higher education is more competitive than ever. Colleges and universities are looking for ways to equip their Admissions teams with training to help them connect prospective students with the value your school provides (aka Consultive Selling). Is your team sales-ready? Read on to find out.

At Value Based, we've trained hundreds of Admissions and Enrollment professionals to integrate proven, ethical, consultive sales methods with their Admissions best practices to increase tuition and revenue. For example, counselors role-play and develop real responses to real prospects, learning to:

Customize and personalize their messaging to individual prospective students by asking good questions and truly listening to their needs and desires

Discern (qualify) best-fit prospective students to allocate their time accordingly 

Respond confidently and effectively to objections/challenges on the value (or cost) of attending your school or other prohibitive factors facing prospects (e.g. first-generation, lack of support, etc.)

The Results Are In

Investing in a Sales Methodology isn't confined to Fortune 500 or other industry organizations. With the landscape of higher education dramatically shifting, more colleges and universities are investing in sales training to increase tuition and revenues. Our client schools have integrated the Value Based Enrollment Methodology (VBEM) to increase the number of right-fit students, align marketing and enrollment on results, and confidently articulate the value their school provides on all levels, across the campus. Learn how one school went from a $2M deficit to a $60M surplus >>

What Is VBEM?

The Value Based Enrollment Methodology (VBEM) is a consultive selling approach consistent with the ethics and ethos of higher education. It's aligned with the concept that an Admissions Counselor is an adviser, counselor, and educator.

1) ALIGN - Value Based trainers help align your Enrollment Cycle to the Prospective Student's (PS) Buying Cycle to increase yield.

2) MEASURE - Value Based trainers establish, track, and coach consultive sales best practices proficiency rates for each stage of the Enrollment Cycle for each counselor.

3) ESTABLISH - Value Based trainers train Admissions Counselors to establish trust and confidence with Prospective Students and their families through personalized, transparent relationships.

4) DISCOVER - Value Based trainers coach Admissions Counselors to qualify the prospective students for People-Time-Money and Needs (Value Motivators).

5) MATCH - Value Based trainers help to match each school's Value Givens with the prospective students (and their families') Value Motivators.

6) CREATE - Value based trainers coach Admissions counselors to create and execute VRCs (Valid Reasons to Contact) during strategic stages of the enrollment process (e.g. Financial Aid & Close).

7) MASTERY - Admissions counselors gain an increased level of competency in 33 Value Based, Consultive Sales Best Practices through on-campus, online, or blended courses, group and individual coaching, and role-plays based on real experiences, discussions, and more.

Value Based is committed to helping Admissions Counselors help their schools increase enrollments and tuition revenues by improving their competency to execute the 33 Value Based, Consultive Sales Best Practices. We also help schools attract and increase the number of best-fit, qualified prospective Student Inquiries that lead to submitted and accepted Applications for less cost than before. Explore the Value Based Enrollment Methodology >>

Is Your Team Ready?

Is your Admissions team ready to implement a consultive sales methodology? To what degree is it needed? To help you determine that, we've created a survey that assesses not only your need for consultive sales best practices but also your team's readiness to adapt and implement the training to start seeing results

Take the survey below to assess how ready your school is to
integrate consultive sales with your Admissions' best practices:

Take the Survey!

For more information on the results schools have seen when they've implemented the Value Based Enrollment Methodology (VBEM), email our team experts.

Topics: Higher Education, Sales